Private Parts by Giovanni Hard Cover Book Bruno Gmunder 2006



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Hard cover art photography / male pornography book “Private Parts” by Giovanni – Edited & Design by Claus Kiessling – Cover Design by Dolph Caesar - Published by Bruno Gmunder 2006 – Printed in Italy - ISBN: 3-86187-987-5.

“Giovanni is the pseudonym of a world-famous photographer who has been working successfully in the international fashion scene for years. His speciality is men’s portraits. Many of us would recognize his work without realizing it was his. Under the name Giovanni he can escape the everyday work life of fashion photography that leaves very little room for the photographer’s own creativity to shine through. His Photo collections Bites and Private Parts have allowed Giovanni to realize a product that moves beyond the fashion industry’s standardized point-of-view to one where his own personal perspectives com to the fore. The result is an impressive erotic experiment that will hopefully continue for some time to come.” (Private Parts by Giovanni - Editor: Claus Kiessling – Bruno Gmunder 2006)


Very Good - Light wear


7” x 0.75” x 9.5” (Width x Depth x Height)