Antique German Victorian Porcelain Fairing Trinket Box Vanity Mirror Cameos



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Antique Victorian Conta Boehme porcelain trinket keepsake box in the shape of a mirror topped dresser with two potted plants and a set of cameo jewelry on top. “Fairings, which are small porcelain groups of gaily colored animal and human china figures, were given away as prizes or purchased at English fairs. Fairings were a popular fair souvenir during the middle of the Victorian era through 1915. Commemorative buildings and people, along with popular music and songs, inspired some of the fairings. Because beds were featured so prominently in many fairings, fairings often were referred to as “bedpieces.” Small trinket boxes were common souvenir items sold at fairs or seaside resorts. Staffordshire or other English potters did not make fairings. They were imported from Germany. Production of fairings ceased in 1914, resulting from tension associated with the coming of World War I.”


Fair Condition – Repair to mirror frame, some stains, wear to paint


3” x 2” x 4.5” (Width x Depth x Height)